Spongebot Patty Flipper User Guide

Spongebot Patty Flipper is a JavaFX application used to managing tasks, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI). If you can type fast, Spongebot Patty Flipper can get your tasks managed faster than traditional GUI apps.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
  2. Download the latest spongebot.jar from this repo’s releases.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Spongebot Patty Flipper.
  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.
  5. Commands that can be executed in the command box and other important words are highlighted in light blue. e.g. type help and press Enter will open the help window. Some example commands you can try:
    • list : Lists all tasks in Spongebot Patty Flipper.
    • todo Example : Adds a Task of type Todo with the name “Example”.
    • bye : Exits the app.

Notes about the command format:


Adding a todo: todo

Adds a Todo task to Spongebot Patty Flipper.

Format: todo TODO_NAME


Adding a deadline: deadline

Adds a Deadline task to Spongebot Patty Flipper.

Format: deadline DEADLINE_NAME /by DATE_AND_TIME


Adding an event: event

Adds an Event task to Spongebot Patty Flipper.

Format: event EVENT_NAME /at DATE_AND_TIME


Listing all tasks: list

Shows a list of all tasks in Spongebot Patty Flipper.

Format: list

Marking a task as done: done

Marks a specified task from Spongebot Patty Flipper as done.

Format: done INDEX


Deleting a task: delete

Deletes a specified task from Spongebot Patty Flipper.

Format: delete INDEX


Find function: find

Find tasks by TASK_NAME in Spongebot Patty Flipper.

Format: find PHRASE


View Schedule: schedule

Find tasks that fall on a specific date in Spongebot Patty Flipper.

Format: schedule /on DATE


Closing Application: bye

Closes Spongebot Patty Flipper.



Q: How do I start the application?

A: In the command prompt/terminal: java -jar spongebot.jar



Marcus Tan Zhong Hong